The Art of Failure…..

Ah failure comes in many forms…..

The failure of buying the wrong wedding dress…..

Prom dress looks bad….

Wedding hair is questionable…..

Hair color is unfortunate……

Homeschooled kids aren’t reading fast enough…..

I could go on but you get it. Why do we fail? Why do we set goals and bomb? If I knew…I would tell you but I don’t….

I have set so many goals. I have vowed to God to do better. I have declared this is my week!! But yet it is not. But Thankfully God knows ahead of time. He knows our stumbles before we do. I am grateful he looks at the heart. My spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. No wiser words have been spoken….This has been my life. But you get back up, dust off and carry on…..

Thank God that God is God and not human and limited…..

Tomorrow a new race will begin and maybe I will be first place…..